Business owners who tout smart alec branding are often the ones ringing hollow under their gimmicky hoods; if you need a pristine example look no further than Mr Maxi Lim - not only did his LJ stall ended up imploding, his marriage turned to shambles too.
Nah, a more apt name would have been 赶羚羊的鸡派
Two words best describe this: Sibei Lame🙄
Business owners who tout smart alec branding are often the ones ringing hollow under their gimmicky hoods; if you need a pristine example look no further than Mr Maxi Lim - not only did his LJ stall ended up imploding, his marriage turned to shambles too.
Is this cafe located in Singapore? I Googled "You don't chicken pie" and couldn't find anything leh
I very much prefer to jiak cheese pie :P