By William Yang:
Just a few weeks ago I happen to be introduced to the "BEAUTIFUL teeth whitening kit" that seemed like a lucrative side line. Therefore I wanted to take on the opportunity to sell the kit myself.
This item has launched since 2016 October and has been positively reviewed by many and even highly recommended by influencers themselves. It has therefore reached a certain level of popularity and if you're reading this you would have probably seen this product being promoted on your Facebook wall as well.
Popular and legit, therefore I felt assured selling this product as the distributor claimed it is properly authorized. However, as I am about to represent this product personally, I wanted to make sure myself what I am selling is a legit and authorized product.
Upon checking with the HSA, I was shocked to realise that this product is not approved by HSA.
Last night i noticed the Singapore's exclusive distributor (Tammie) posted on her wall (wechat screenshot), with an influencer claiming that this item:
"If is not approved, already big news splashed on newspaper"
Not only that, she carried on assuring her sellers this:
"No worries on that all. Coz all is bullshit"
As convincing as it sounds, having had the item checked, I knew better that these are nothing but lies fabricated to exploit the vulnerable.
This is an extremely selfish act; reaching out to people who are clueless and influencing/misleading them to believing the item is approved by HSA and legit to continue selling.
It is in fact illegal to sell any item in Singapore that is not approved by HSA. Otherwise you would be liable to fines. Any Singaporean should know this well and know better not to fuck with the government.
Below are screenshots conversations from a friend of mine who bought the products to sell, he approached Tammie informing her that this item is not being approved by HSA. (This happened few weeks ago before the wechat screenshot)
She does acknowledge the fact saying:
"It is true only dentist can sell items above 1% concentration so we're not supposed to be so high profile."
Despite her knowing the risks, she continued fooling the whole group of innocent (69 people I assume) who are now at risk of being faced with fines, unknowingly of course.
Thankfully I chose to do a check on the product myself before being cheated and mislead to buying your stock. I would like to create an awareness to the distribution of this product. Tammie if you are reading this, be truthful to your sellers and stop manipulating them! Don't abuse other people's trust for you!
HSA has emailed me to gather information regarding the distribution of this product. So please do contact the HSA with regards to this product and declare yourself the exclusive distributor before anyone else gets fined by HSA.
Other sellers or sellers want-to-be like me, I implore you to take back your money and discontinue this illegal sideline. Don't be taken by false representation then be left to face dire consequences alone! No one will help you pay your fines!