For immediate release
CPeeF Board would like to advise the public to be more discerning with regard to rumours on new CPF schemes to retain more CPF monies.
CPF Board is presently not hard up for more funds because of the overwhelming response to a few new schemes such as:
1. Allowing members to transfer CPF to parents and grandparents. 2. Allowing members to set up CPF accounts for children who are just born.

Instead of withdrawing their CPF at 55, 234,567 members have pledged to transfer some $2 billion to their loved ones’ Special Account under the new schemes.
The success of our new schemes, ie transfer CPF to Ah Kong and Ah Ma, papa and mama, spouse and children, has invited speculation that CPF Board will soon allow members to even transfer excess balance at 55 to unborn grandchildren. This is of course ridiculous.
Please be aware of this fake news and we encourage CPF members to learn more about our perfect CPF scheme @ CPF Facts, not propaganda.
On our part, we will continue with our propaganda approach as well as conduct more road shows to enlighten the public.

To report fake news, please call 1800-5555555 or email to
All information will be kept confidential.
Correction: “propaganda” should read “educational”. We are sorry for the error.