An even more pertinent question begs: How many Afghan, or Sudanese cocks for that matter, did Amy Cock have to deepthroat before she was finally deemed fit to be called a doctor?
Am sick and tired of the nonsensical garbage constantly spewed by these out-of-touch elites who are ensconced high up in their ivory towers. They have to go at the next GE - correction, they MUST GO!
She ain't stupid, she's just brainless. She is capable of shooting her mouth off without using any brains, just like how she could whip up a nice homecooked meal without fire.
Anyone wants to venture a guess as to where she did her doctorate?
Am sick and tired of the nonsensical garbage constantly spewed by these out-of-touch elites who are ensconced high up in their ivory towers. They have to go at the next GE - correction, they MUST GO!
Someone should really just seal this lao cheebye's trap for good🤐
She ain't stupid, she's just brainless. She is capable of shooting her mouth off without using any brains, just like how she could whip up a nice homecooked meal without fire.
Lim Tean too is absolutely stunned...
Rentals comprise a not insignificant 12% of costs borne by hawkers, how does it not directly affect food prices then? Incredulous!!!!
Amy Cockanathan should really just STFU
That old, wrinkled cuntard sure has shit for brains.