Tax Calculator: https://www.iras.gov.sg/irashome/uploadedFiles/IRASHome/Individuals/Tax%20Calculator%20-%20Residents_YA21.xls
Upcoming Due Dates:
01 MAR e-Submission of Employment Income
01 MAR e-Submission of Commission
31 MAR e-Submission of Certificate of Residence (COR) for Withholding Tax
31 MAR File Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) (Dec year-end)
31 MAR Apply CRS Registration
15 APR File Individual Income Tax (Paper Form)
18 APR File Individual Income Tax
Receive Direct Tax Bills
The vast majority of taxpayers on NFS do not make any adjustments to their Income, Deductions and Reliefs Statement when they receive their NFS notice, before their tax bill. IRAS is thus introducing a Direct Notice of Assessment (D-NOA) initiative, which means taxpayers on the NFS scheme will get their tax bills directly when ready. This is made possible as more income information is automatically included, and tax reliefs can be pre-filled for taxpayers. Taxpayers can still object to the assessment if they want to make changes to their reported income and relief claims at that stage. About 100,000 taxpayers will benefit from the D-NOA initiative this year when they receive their tax bills directly from May 2021. More taxpayers who are on the NFS scheme will get to enjoy this new service initiative progressively over the next few years.
Time to fatten the G's coffers once more.