Chronology of events:
@1min 05secs
Ng Ling Ling: "I setup the Social Service Training institute"
A former subordinate of hers, a Mr Richard Giam steps in to rubbish that claim. Tan Bee Heong, the actual founding director of SSTI concurred.

Ng Ling Ling subsequently changed tack, no longer says she set up SSTI, rather she was merely a member of the pioneer team.

Points to note:
1. Nowhere in her Linkedin profile did she make mention of having started SSTI.
FYI SSTI was launched in 2003, Ng Ling Ling only came on board a year later.

2. According to a recent report by Today Online:
He (Mr Gerald Ee) added that SSTI was a start up and “with the efforts of Ling Ling and her team, which supported Bee Heong, it grew rapidly”, adding that Ms Ng “did start up initiatives within SSTI”.
“We in the social service sector get very attached to what we do and often we see the projects we get involved with as our baby.* It happens to me too. It is a mere Freudian slip on the part of Ling Ling,” he said.
Interestingly, no tangible accomplishments were cited in the years 2003-2005, but it grew rapidly anyhow.

Source: https://www.ssi.sg/Discover-SSI/Our-Milestones-(1)
3. In 2018 when she won Her World's Woman of The Year accolade, she also made mention of the "fact" she set up SSTI.

Source: https://womanoftheyear.herworld.com/2018-ng-ling-ling
Actually this Ng Ling Ling quite faps wor, let's just close one eye and let her redeem herself.
IMO hers isn't such a big deal compared to Ivan's. Okay she embellished the truth a little, so what?
Errr so this aunty 讲骗话 not just once, but twice?
Petition to have Ng Ling Ling withdraw her candidature lai liao!
Liar liar pants on fire!!!!!!!!
Freudian slip = honest mistake committed. Let's just move on shall we?
Wah PAP jin xia suay never do due diligence, are they going to proceed to field this lying bitch tomorrow?