Motherfucker was so busy playing court jester, he allowed a ginormous kickback to transpire right under his nose for a good whole 6 years before it finally got uncovered:
Nee Soon GRC is knee-deep in shit of late, just look at how desperately black snake Shan is trying to parry away the onslaught of accusations levied by oppies that they have been sleeping on the job.
Wayang motherfucker just took things up a notch, swapping his clown suit for farming garb:
Seems like 'em monkeys in white have some unexplained fetish with carnivals hmmm
Never heard of Louis Ng, I only know who Louis Khoo is
Part-time clown, full-time JOKE.
Is he a part-time or full-time MP?
Motherfucker was so busy playing court jester, he allowed a ginormous kickback to transpire right under his nose for a good whole 6 years before it finally got uncovered:
Not every clown is a PAP MP, but every PAP MP is a clown.
Clowns, clowns everywhere