Miscommunication. Settle the case amicably by yourselves. Case close.
This is how the Singapore Police closed the S$10 BMW petrol incident. Absolutely unsatisfactory. The police made a meaningless public statement that says nothing at all and left the white elephant in the room: notwithstanding the dispute and his amorality making a low income elderly foot the bill, the BMW driver drove away with S$125 of unpaid fuel.
Singaporeans are pliant to the Singapore Police, to them, the police is beyond reproach. This hazardous mindset is built by a climate of fear from the authorities, which have over 5 decades of track record arresting and harassing individuals who are disagreeable with the government.
Questioning the Singapore Police’s judgement in Singapore is dangerous, if not suicidal. When one gets charged for any offence by the police, chances of tabling the charges is near-zero. The deputy public prosecutor (DPP) have already done their legal groundwork to press charges against you, and these prosecutors are trained in the same line of thought as the judges. In terms of career progression, the better DPPs are “promoted” to be judges. Hence there is no doubt, when a charge is levied, you are as good as being already convicted.
Given the “lethality” of the police, Singaporeans are safer not challenging the police, or even criticise them at all. The ordinary citizens are safest to not even disagree with the police, for their words are absolute.
This is how Singapore became a police state. The police can do whatever they want because they are incorruptible.
Having left Singapore for Australia opened my eyes how Australians hold their leadership and their police accountable. Nobody is incorruptible. If the Caltex incident were to happen in Australia, Aussies, politicians and the media would have given the police commissioner hell. With so many questions left unanswered, the police investigation officer would himself be subjected to an open inquiry.
Singapore Police should count their fortunes the locals are sheeps.
Alex Tan States Times Review Editor
Lost faith in SPF a long time ago to be extremely honest.......
Goh Meng Seng's love letter to $10 BMW scumbag: