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Complete coverage by Wanbao of the Raeesah Khan saga
In Current Affairs
Oct 16, 2024
Both applications to impeach her were shot down by the judge, tough luck :( No 'serious discrepancies' that support impeaching Raeesah: Prosecution on Day 3 of Pritam Singh trial Deputy Principal District Judge Luke Tan said he is inclined to agree with the prosecution's position that there are no "serious discrepancies" in the testimony of Raeesah Khan which meet the legal threshold for her impeachment as a witness. The third day of the trial of Workers' Party (WP) leader Pritam Singh was marked by discussions between the defence and prosecution as to whether there were inconsistencies in Raeesah's testimony which could result in her impeachment. The application for her impeachment had been made by Singh's lawyer, Andre Jumabhoy on Oct. 15, 2024. Defence: Oct. 4 WhatsApp message to Singh shows her testimony is "materially contradictory"  On the morning of Oct. 16, 2024, Jumabhoy drew attention to a WhatsApp message Raeesah had sent to Singh on Oct. 4, 2021, while being questioned by law and home affairs minister K Shanmugam in parliament over her anecdote. At that time, Raeesah had asked Singh, "What should I do Pritam?" Jumabhoy asked Raeesah why she had felt the need to message Singh on Oct. 4, 2021, at that moment, if she had understood his instructions during their meeting the day before. According to Raeesah, Singh had told her he "would not judge her" on Oct. 3, 2021. She understood it to mean that he would not judge her if she continued the lie. When Jumabhoy asked further if her Oct. 4 message meant she was unclear about his instructions, Raeesah replied: "When you’re confronted by Minister Shanmugam, I think anybody would question their decision or what they should say." This led to Jumabhoy suggesting that Raeesah saw Singh's instruction as "vague" — to which she replied that Singh had seemed to affirm the continuation of the lie. Defence makes another application to have Raeesah impeached  Raeesah was then asked to step out of the room when Jumabhoy made another application to have her impeached. According to Jumabhoy during his application, Raeesah saying that she didn't know what to do on Oct. 4, 2021, and asking Singh, was "materially contradictory" to her saying Singh seemed supportive of continuing the lie. In response, Deputy Attorney-General Ang Cheng Hock argued that Raeesah had repeatedly mentioned in her statements that her message to Pritam on Oct. 4, 2021 was to seek assurance. Ang also noted that Raeesah had said, "Either way, I would have followed his advice". He then submitted to the judge that there was no discrepancy in her statement, pointing out that the crux of one of the charges against Singh is what he had said to her on Oct. 3, 2021. The judge then referred to the agreed statement of facts and said he tends to agree with Ang as there was a lead-up to what happened on Oct. 4, 2021, in the form of Singh's meeting with Khan the day before. He added, "She was told something (on Oct. 3, 2021), she went into parliament with that frame of mind." She was then prompted to send a text message that did not receive a response, he noted. It could therefore be argued that Raeesah's response is consistent with she said was told to her by Singh on Oct. 3, 2021. Tan said, "I do not see a contradiction, let alone a material contradiction." He rejected the application by Jumabhoy. The matter of coming clean on September 2021  Jumabhoy then made a second application to impeach Raeesah in the afternoon. In the lead-up to the second attempt, Jumabhoy had questioned Raeesah about why she had not come clean on her false anecdote in September 2021. She replied that she had shingles and that she thought the matter had been dropped. Jumabhoy then pointed out that this "(flies) in the face" of how she thought Singh had told her to "take it (the false anecdote she shared in parliament) to the grave". He also cited notes submitted by WP Member of Parliament (MP) Faisal Manap to the Committee of Privileges, which said she had contemplated doing so. In response, Ang called on the court to look at a police statement by Raeesah on May 12, 2022, which said she had told the WP's disciplinary panel that she had contemplated disclosing the truth in September 2021. In addition, Raeesah had also told the police that maybe she might have said it to the panel, but she could not recall, and that in September 2021, she did contemplate disclosing it but was down with shingles. The statement also captured how she told the police she thought the matter had been dropped, when the officers asked her about whether she had considered disclosing it to Singh, Faisal and WP chair Sylvia Lim in September 2021. Ang then pointed out that these replies by Raeesah were consistent with what she has said in court. There is therefore no basis in the law to invoke Section 157 of the Penal code regarding the impeachment of a witness, he added. The second application was also rejected by Tan.
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An outdoor "sauna" constructed right beside a HDB flat - is this even allowed?
In Chillin' In The Lounge
Oct 10, 2024
Yishun resident uses lift landing as 'private storage area' and even secures items with padlock A resident has turned the staircase landing on the 12th floor of Block 739 Yishun Avenue 5 into his personal storage place, lamented a neighbour. Photos submitted by Stomper Jo show bulky items such as a step ladder, a foldable trolley and a large chest occupying the space – some of which have even been chained and locked together. Jo told Stomp on Oct 6: "Facts: "The public space has become one's private storage area since June 2024. "The belongings are chained together and secured with a padlock. "It is unknown if any flammable construction liquid is stored in the metal coffin-sized chest. "In the past week, a stray cat has inhabited it as a living area. "Nee Soon Town Council was notified in September but there was no improvement, even when everyone on the same floor knows exactly whose belongings these are." Jo also emphasised the "potential danger of allowing clutter to accumulate" and expressed dismay at how the situation has persisted. In response to a Stomp query on Oct 7, Nee Soon Town Council said it is aware of the issue after receiving feedback on Sept 30. A spokeswoman added: "Our town council personnel conducted a site visit upon receiving the feedback to identify the owner of items. We also issued a notice of removal on the same day. "The town council will monitor this situation closely and take the necessary actions to address this issue." "We will continue our efforts to educate and guide residents to place as few items as possible in communal corridors in the interest of safety and to minimise disamenities."
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Elderly man died in shop house, corpse discovered only after bodily fluids seeped through floor and into the unit below
In Chillin' In The Lounge
Sep 29, 2024
67-year-old man found dead in Kallang home, friend alerted police after he missed breakfast On Friday (27 Sept), a 67-year-old was found dead in his home at Block 2C, Upper Boon Keng Road. The discovery was made by coffee shop worker, Ms Wu (name transliterated from Chinese), who noticed that one of her regular customers, the 67-year-old uncle, did not come for breakfast as he usually did that morning. Since he hadn’t shown up as usual, she felt compelled to reach out to him. She tried to call him multiple times but received no response. After several failed attempts to contact him, she asked a friend of his to check on him. It wasn’t until around 8.05am that the friend went to check on the uncle at his home. They found that they could hear the uncle’s phone ringing, but no one would answer. Worried about his safety, they immediately called the police. Man found lifeless on bed at his home Once police officers arrived, they found Mr Wong Kee Pin lying dead on his bed inside his home at Block 2C on Upper Boon Keng Road, Kallang, reported Shin Min Daily News. His body was reportedly removed from his place at around 4pm. Two tenants living in the unit, 38-year-old Ms Yang and 24-year-old Ms Xu (names transliterated from Chinese), revealed they had been renting the unit with their mother for over ten years and had a good relationship with Mr Wong. Both of them pointed out that he rarely talked about his family. They only knew that he had three sisters and a brother. However, the brother and one sister were already deceased, leaving two sisters behind. Ms Wu shared that the uncle worked as an administrator at the airport and visited her coffee shop daily, enjoying coffee in the morning and having alcohol in the evening before heading home. Mr Wong, the victim, was born on 25 June 1957. Preliminary investigations indicated no foul play involved, and investigations are ongoing.
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S. Iswaran is in "RAIL" trouble.
In Current Affairs
Sep 24, 2024
Iswaran pleads guilty to 5 charges after corruption charges replaced Former Minister for Transport S Iswaran has pleaded guilty after his corruption charges were replaced with charges under Section 165 of the Penal Code. Previously, he faced 35 charges, two of which were corruption charges under the Prevention of Corruption Act. The two charges were amended to charges under Section 165 of the Penal Code, which makes it an offence for a public servant to accept anything of value without payment or with inadequate payment from any person with whom he is involved in an official capacity. The prosecution stated that they would proceed on five charges: four under Section 165 of the Penal Code and one charge of obstruction of justice. For the charge of obstruction of justice, Iswaran admitted to repaying S$5,700 to Singapore GP Pte Ltd, the cost of his business class ticket for a Dec. 11 flight from Doha to Singapore that he had taken at Ong Beng Seng's expense through Singapore GP. The remaining 30 charges will be considered for the purposes of sentencing. Iswaran's defence lawyer, Senior Counsel Davinder Singh, had earlier said Iswaran "will be taking a certain course of action" in light of the fact that the charges will not be proceeding under the Prevention of Corruption Act. Iswaran was then read his charges, and he rose to say he was pleading guilty. His lawyer also confirmed that his client was pleading guilty. Previous charges of corruption Initially, the first corruption charge against Iswaran alleged that he corruptly obtained gratification worth S$145,434 from property tycoon Ong Beng Seng. This was in exchange for advancing Ong's business interests in relation to a contract between Singapore GP and the Singapore Tourism Board (STB). Iswaran was also previously accused of corruptly obtaining 10 Green Room tickets (worth about S$48,150), eight tickets to F1 venue Twenty3 (worth about S$56,068), and 32 general admission tickets (S$41,216 respectively) to the 2022 Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix for September 2022. The second corruption charge alleged that Iswaran corruptly obtained gratification from Ong, in exchange for advancing his business interests over a contract with a public body over the Singapore GP-STB facilitation agreement, as well as a proposal for a contract with STB to establish the ABBA Voyage virtual concert in Singapore. This allegedly took place in December 2022. According to the charge sheets, he allegedly took an outbound flight on Ong’s private plane from Singapore to Doha worth about S$10,410.40. He also received a one-night stay in Four Seasons Doha, worth about S$4,737.63, and a business class flight from Doha to Singapore, worth about S$5,700, from Ong through Singapore GP Pte Ltd.
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Asia Sentinel: Singapore Law Minister's Home Sale to Mystery Buyer
In Current Affairs
List of Temasek-backed companies that are going to or have already gone belly up
In Current Affairs
Aug 16, 2024
Temasek spent billions on US tech stocks before July selloffSingaporean state-owned investor Temasek Holdings Pte. spent billions of dollars in the second quarter buying shares in US technology giants, just before the sector dropped in July. Temasek increased the value of its holdings in 11 big tech firms by US$3.3 billion in the three months ended 30 June, according to an analysis of its two most recent 13F filings. The vast bulk of the increase – some $3.2 billion – went into six of those firms: Microsoft Corp., Apple Inc., Nvidia Corp., Alphabet Inc., Meta Platforms Inc. and Inc. By the end of July, however, most of those companies saw their stocks slide amid concern about the extent of AI-related gains and fears of a recession. Alphabet and Amazon’s share prices have fallen by about 12 per cent since the end of June, while Microsoft’s are down around 7 per cent over that period. Many of the tech shares held by Temasek have started to recover this week and it’s unclear how it invested since June 30. The firm may have made gains depending on its purchase price, sold right before the fall or even snapped up more as they declined in an effort to buy the dip. With a net portfolio value of $389 billion (US$295 billion) as of 31 March, the purchases would’ve represented around 1 per cent of its total holdings. The multi-billion dollar buying spree underscores Temasek’s commitment to ramping up investments in the US, which it said last month would be the largest destination for its capital with plans to invest US$30 billion over the next five years.
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[GVGT] National Day flower exhibit gets defaced: SG 59 PGRN becomes SG 59 PORN
In Chillin' In The Lounge
Aug 06, 2024
National Day display at Pandan Gardens vandalized from 'SG 59 PGRN' to 'SG 59 PORN'A National Day display at Block 404 Pandan Gardens Road was changed from a celebratory message about Singapore's 59th birthday to something else entirely. Comprising of a bed of red-and-white flowers, the original display showed a white heart spelling out the words "SG 59 PGRN", where "PGRN" stands for "Pandan Gardens Residents' Network", underneath the national flag. However, when TikTok user Kevin Singh (@k3vinsingh) passed by, it had been altered to spell, "SG 59 PORN". White flowers from the heart-shaped frame appeared to have been rearranged in order to form the new text. In a video of the incident posted to TikTok on Aug. 5, Singh can be heard saying, "59 porn? Seriously?" Happened last Saturday Singh said he and his friend saw the altered display on Aug. 3. "[We] didn't report as my friend and I fixed it after I took the video," he explained. "Found it funny to be honest, because even after it's fixed, it looks the same...[the 'G'] still looks like an 'O' from afar." The Friends of Ayer Rajah Facebook page posted on Aug. 5 an update acknowledging the "recent vandalism" of the decorations. "The hard work and effort put in by the Pandan Gardens Residents’ Network and residents have been marred by this distasteful act," the post noted, adding that they had made a police report. "We will not let this act of vandalism dampen our spirits." Here's a photo of the display, prior to it being vandalized:
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A huge compilation: Vaccinated Singaporeans who died suddenly with no known cause
In Current Affairs
Jul 16, 2024
Man, 58, found dead in Yishun flat after moving in less than a year ago The body of a 58-year-old man was found in a state of decomposition in his Yishun flat on Saturday night, Jul. 13. A neighbour at Block 510A Yishun Street 51 had detected what he thought was the smell of "salted fish" and initially assumed it was from a resident's cooking. A Shin Min Daily News reporter arrived at the scene after a tip-off and saw police removing the body at around 11:30pm. The authorities were notified some three hours earlier. Smelled like salted fish being cooked  A 64-year-old neighbour told the Chinese media reporter that he detected an odour as early as Jul. 13 morning when he was watering plants. As the odour resembled the smell of salted fish being cooked, he did not think too much about it. It was only until later on in the night that another resident noticed the smell and both of them thought that something was amiss. The two residents of the block decided to check out the deceased man's unit by opening his window and realised the scent was emanating from his house. That was when they realised something was wrong and called the police. Friendly and moved in recently  The neighbour also revealed that the deceased man had just moved into the flat less than a year ago. The deceased man was also described by the neighbours as someone who was friendly, and would get up as early as 5am to have tea. "Other than that, there was no indication he had other ailments," the neighbour said. The police said they received a call for assistance at around 8:20pm. A man was found in his unit and pronounced dead at the scene. The police do not suspect foul play, and investigations are ongoing.
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Live video of assassination attempt on Donald Trump
In Current Affairs
Jul 15, 2024
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Elderly man died in shop house, corpse discovered only after bodily fluids seeped through floor and into the unit below
In Chillin' In The Lounge
Jul 05, 2024
Body of karang guni, 67, found rotting in MacPherson flat The body of a 67-year-old karang guni was found rotting in a flat in MacPherson on Tuesday (Jul. 2), four days after he was last seen alive. Police confirmed that they were alerted to the case of unnatural death at 36 Circuit Road at about 1:55pm. The man was found lying motionless in the flat and was pronounced dead at the scene. Last seen four days ago leaving the house  A Shin Min Daily News (Shin Min) reporter who visited the flat on Jul. 2 observed that there was a rotting stench coming from the flat, which contained a variety of items in a messy state. The next-door neighbour, surnamed Huang (transliteration), told Shin Min that she last saw the deceased on Jun. 28, which was a Friday. He was chatting with a middle-aged woman before leaving the house, Huang recalled. "I started to sense a rotting smell on Saturday (the day after) but believed it was from a dead lizard, so I didn't think to alert the police," she said. Huang shared that the man faced some issues with mobility but would still go out to collect items like empty cans and bring them home so he could sell them later. Huang also said that she found his behaviour erratic at times, such as his habit of slamming doors. Deceased was kind and friendly man who lived alone  A domestic helper living on the same floor shared that the deceased was a kind and friendly man who would greet neighbours and share extra bread and fruit with them. "If it were going to rain, he would sometimes remind me to bring in the laundry or chillies I was drying in the sun," she said. The helper also said she heard from her employer that the man has been living alone since his elderly mother, who used to stay with him, passed away. He has siblings and relatives, but they rarely come to visit him, she added. The deceased's nephew came down to the scene after being notified by police but declined to be interviewed, Shin Min reported. Police do not suspect foul play  In response to enquiries, the police said they do not suspect foul play. Police investigations are ongoing.
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A huge compilation: Vaccinated Singaporeans who died suddenly with no known cause
In Current Affairs
Jul 01, 2024
Five-star hotel chef, 35, dies 4 days after promotion to head chef, 3 months after marriage "You showed me colours you know I can’t see with anyone else." Daniel Teo wrote this on his Facebook page on Mar. 15, 2024, the same month he married his girlfriend of six years. A sous chef at a five-star hotel, he was promoted to become executive chef just four days ago. He passed away on Jun. 27, at 35 years old. A brilliant life cut short  In an interview with Shin Min Daily News, Teo's wife said she had met him at a cooking school and was entranced by his cooking skills and his assiduous personality. They soon fell in love and married in March this year after dating for six years. She said they were due to receive their BTO keys by the end of this year. They bought furniture and appliances and even had plans to start a home business. They also planned to have a pet dog. They were both looking forward to a future together. She said she never expected that she would have to prepare for his eulogy merely three months after their vows. Destined to be a chef  Teo had helped out at his parent's chicken rice stall since he was young, according to Shin Min. It was then he developed his passion for the culinary arts. Since graduating from culinary school, he has worked at various hotels and restaurants and finally became an executive chef. Shin Min also interviewed Teo's friend, who said that Teo had not planned to climb the corporate ladder but did so only because he wanted to give his family a better life. "He always put his family before everything else." A loyal friend and generous soul  Friends and colleagues of Teo described him as a loyal and generous friend who always helped or guided them whenever they needed it without holding back. A former apprentice of Teo told the Shin Min reporter that Teo had helped him through a period of depression — by bringing food to his house every week as an excuse to check on him. "He brought ingredients over to my house and said he wanted to research new recipes with me," he said. "I started my own business the next year with his support." Another friend wrote on Facebook: "He touched many lives with his kindness, brilliance, and unwavering spirit. Though his time with us was far too short, the impact he made will be remembered forever... ...Rest in peace, Daniel. You will be dearly missed by all of us."
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Tin Pei Ling steps down from Grab
In Current Affairs
Jun 25, 2024
Tin Pei Ling quits DCS Card Centre, joins digital asset platform from Jun. 2024 Tin has worked at DCS Card Centre for nine months since October 2023. MacPherson SMC Member of Parliament (MP) Tin Pei Ling has left her role in fintech firm DCS Card Centre in June 2024. She was in that role for nine months since October 2023. Following her departure, Tin assumed a new role as the co-president of Singapore-based digital asset platform MetaComp, where she would be driving strategic partnerships and corporate development, Tin announced in a Jun. 24 LinkedIn post. According to Tin and MetaComp's website, the company "specialises in blockchain technology" and offers digital payment token services, as well as cross-border money transfers. MetaComp is a subsidiary of MVGX Holdings, a fintech group that provides regulated financial services and end-to-end carbon software-as-a-service solutions "for a more inclusive and sustainable future", according to its LinkedIn. Bidding farewell to DCS Card Centre  In her post, Tin said she was "very fortunate to receive great support and to learn" from DCS Card Centre (DCSCC) chairman Charles Huang and chief executive officer Karen Low. 'Eager to contribute to growth of sustainable finance'  Tin also expressed her excitement about her new role and eagerness to contribute to MetaComp as well as "a sustainable future": "[With] sustainability being a critical global imperative, this exciting opportunity allows me to expand my work into green fintech. I am eager to contribute to the growth of sustainable finance by bridging traditional finance and digital assets, alongside chairman and co-founder Bo Bai and fellow co-president Eddie Hui." In a Jun. 24 LinkedIn post, MetaComp said it is "pleased to welcome" Tin onboard, who will bring "a distinguished blend of digital and financial acumen, plus industry experience in payment platforms and the financial technology space" to the company. MetaComp added that Tin's appointment is set to "significantly enhance" its strategic alliances, driving momentum, and advancing its position "as a leader in bridging traditional finance and digital assets". "We look forward to Pei Ling paving the way for new collaborations and the expansion of our client offerings," the company said.
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Elderly man died in shop house, corpse discovered only after bodily fluids seeped through floor and into the unit below
In Chillin' In The Lounge
Jun 11, 2024
Man, 65, found dead in his Bedok bicycle shop toilet A 65-year-old man was found lying motionless in the toilet of his bicycle shop at Block 740 Bedok Reservoir Road on Jun. 8 afternoon. The Singapore Police Force said that they were alerted to the case of unnatural death at 1:10pm on Saturday. The man was pronounced dead at the scene by a Singapore Civil Defence Force paramedic. Based on preliminary investigations, the police do not suspect foul play. Police investigations are ongoing. Man had ran shop for over 20 years  Residents who live around the HDB block told Shin Min Daily News that the deceased had been running his bicycle shop, George Bicycle Shop, for more than 20 years. He would usually sit on a chair outside the shop and sleep at the shop at night. The man also used a personal mobility device, added the residents. An employee of a milk tea shop nearby also shared that when she saw the deceased on Jun. 7, the day before his body was found, she did not notice anything amiss. "We are shocked to learn about his passing as he appeared quite healthy. We never thought he would pass away suddenly," the employee added. Man's family members found him on the floor  Another employee of a flower shop nearby said the deceased kept to himself and would not talk to his neighbours much, but he would nod his head to acknowledge them. While he typically manned the bicycle repair shop alone, the deceased had family members, added the employee. The employee shared that three individuals, who were believed to be the man's family members, were also at the scene of the incident when the police were conducting their investigations. Shin Min  reported that it was believed that the deceased's family members were visiting him at the shop when they found him lying on the ground and alerted the authorities.
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